Susquehanna MOAA
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Susquehanna MOAA

Susquehanna MOAA
Susquehanna MOAA Susquehanna MOAA
Hometown Hero

By Staff Writer Connie Farro Richardson My brother-in-law George N. Richardson, was a very...
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About Us

The Susquehanna Chapter, formed in 1968 and chartered in 1969, is one of the oldest chapters in the Maryland MOAA Council, and serves Harford and Cecil Counties. The Chapter is an affiliate of the national MOAA.  Like MOAA National, it is an independent, nonprofit, politically nonpartisan organization.  Any conveyance of partisanship in unintended.

Meetings are held throughout the year in various locations with information published in our newsletter, The Beacon.

The chapter has 58 members, who are currently serving, former, and retired officers, and their spouses and widows/widowers. Working through the Chapter, we provide assistance to our membership, enabling them to continue to serve their nation and communities, maintain contact with the other services, and enjoy social fellowship with people who share common values of patriotism, honor and selflessness. Our strength is in our membership, so we look forward to your joining us. Together with the Maryland and National organizations, we form that ‘One Strong Voice’, influencing military affairs at all levels of government and making a significant contribution to the community and nation.

2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2016 Five Star Level of Excellence Award; 2015, 2014, 2013  Four Star Level of Excellence Awards


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