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Susquehanna MOAA
Susquehanna MOAA Susquehanna MOAA
Susquehanna Chapter Supports APG MWR Skeet & Trap Club Shoot

On May 17, 2024, the Susquehanna Chapter supported the annual local Wounded Warrior event hosted by...
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ALL active duty, retired, National Guard, Reserve, and former commissioned officers and warrant officers of the uniformed services of the United States - Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Space Command, Coast Guard, Public Health Service, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - are eligible for membership.

Surviving Spouse membership is also available for surviving spouses of deceased officers.

Why You Should Join Us The Susquehanna Chapter promotes the purposes and objectives of MOAA, to foster fraternal relations among the retired, active, and former officers of the eight uniformed services and their National Guard or reserve components; works to protect the rights and interests of, and provides useful services for, these personnel of the uniformed services, their dependents and survivors; and serves the community and the nation. MOAA, the Nation’s largest military organ ization, has approximately 350,000 members, of whom many are active duty officers. MOAA educates and informs Congress regarding issues of significance to the Uniformed Services. MOAA Chapters, constituents at the grass roots level, add their voices to the process as individual members communicate with their respective legislators. State concerns are beyond the purview of MOAA, thus Chapters in Maryland and the Maryland State Council of Chapters play a major role to coordinate issues, request legis lation and provide information about military topics of interest to State legislators, and in seeking equity in how we and our survivors are treated by the State of Maryland. We assist our Chapter members by providing a venue for them to continue to serve their Nation and their communities, maintain contact with the other Services, and enjoy social fellowship with people who share your values of patriotism, honor and selflessness.

Other Benefits of Membership  As a member of the Susquehanna Chapter, and of MOAA, you will have access to benefits in formation and advice, money saving products and services, up-to-date information on on-going state and national legislative actions, health care issues; and a team of legislative professionals fighting for your benefits and rights. There are many opportunities for networking, an additional personal and professional benefit.

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