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Susquehanna Chapter’s Website Proves Its Worth As It Completes Four Years of Operation

Over four years ago after much discussion the Board of Directors made the decision to establish a...
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Personal Affairs

Information You Need

Resources to help you manage and organize your personal, financial, medical, legal and insurance matters are found here.

New MOAA publications and Information

Help Your Survivors Now: A Guide to Planning Ahead --walks you through potential financial benefits such as the Survivor Benefit Plan, continuing entitlements such as TRICARE, other personal affairs, and includes a checklist for when a servicemember dies.

Survivor Planning and Benefit Issues -- Is your spouse prepared if you predecease him or her? Does he or she know what notifications need to be made, and to who? What about understanding the benefit programs that may apply to a survivor? At the link you will find the slides from the 6 October 2021 MOAA webinar “Preparing A Spouse For Survivorship”. 

MOAA Publications

PREMIUM and LIFE MOAA members can download these publications or have a paper copy mailed to them for FREE. BASIC MOAA members will need to upgrade their MOAA membership for a FREE copy.

MOAA Survivor's Planning Guide  Following the death of a loved one, it can be overwhelming to keep track of what arrangements need to be made, who needs to be contacted, and notes on important phone calls. This compact handbook was designed by surviving spouses to assist with these difficult tasks. For our PREMIUM and LIFE Members, benefits and financial counseling is available with MOAA staff experts to assist you through this process.

PREMIUM and LIFE MOAA Member Price: FREE download or mailed copy.

Plan Your Legacy
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers a survivors and burial benefits kit as a source of pre-need planning information and record storage for Veterans and their families. Click here for the brochure.

Personal Affairs GuideA Personal Inventory for Peace of Mind.  MOAA has created this workbook to assist you and your family in gathering crucial information — from investments to legal documents, insurance policies, and more. We hope you find this workbook valuable. For additional information, email, call MOAA’s Member Service Center at (800) 234-MOAA (6622), or search the MOAA website at

Surviving Spouse Corner: Planning for the Future:    This link will take you to the MOAA website for Surviving Spouse information.

MOAA Insurance Plans

“These plans have been negotiated exclusively on behalf of MOAA members and their families. MOAA members, whether Active Duty, National Guard, Reserve or Retired officers, may qualify for insurance to complement their and their family’s military entitlements.”

Information You Need

As we age, it becomes tougher to remember where we have stored pertinent information.  Here is a checklist that provides some thoughts on current family matters.  Just as you built a checklist for survivor information, try to build a data base for other pertinent information.  Click on the Information You Need PDF to the top right.

Surviving Spouses, here are 16 websites intended to provide you with information regarding survivor benefits and assistance.  Yes, it can be an information overload so to help you out the Susquehanna Chapter has its own surviving spouse assistance director, Connie Richardson who you can reach by email or phone 410-937-2662.

Transition and Civilian Careers

The Chapter encourages its members to hone their skills in the areas of personal and career development.  Pertinent resources to help you find employment and continue your professional development, whether you’re on active duty or seeking a civilian job are posted here. Additional resources are available from MOAA.

Transition Information

Logo Careeronestopcareeronestop Veterans ReEmployment is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, a proud partner of the american job center network.


Harford County Council Bill 22-022 provides a 20% tax credit for a maximum of twenty years, on County property taxes for individuals who are over 65 years of age, have a dwelling (as that term is defined in §9-105 of the Tax Property Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland) that is eligible for a homestead credit with an assessed value of $600,000 or less, and who either:

  • own and have lived in the dwelling for at least 35 years,
  • are a retiree or a surviving spouse of a retiree from one of the United States’ Uniformed Services.

For questions, please contact the Harford County Real Estate Tax Credit Line  410-638-3450.

Click the link (Har Cty Senior Citizens Tax Credit Application) at the bottome of the page for more information.

Harford County offers a number of tax credits to senior citizens and veterans. For more information go to the Harford County website for Real Property Tax Credit Information

NOTE: Susquehanna Chapter, MOAA provides this information as a free service and receives no commissions or any other benefit if you click on the link or make a purchase from any organization linked to here. We only recommend products and services that we know or trust to be of high quality at the time we post the information and cannot be held responsible for any changes to the sites made thereafter. The Chapter is not responsible for any information that is incorrect and/or outdated. Similarly, you use any tool or service at your own risk and the Chapter is not responsible for any loss you might suffer. Please let us know if you encounter any issues or problems with the information or materials we make available.

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