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Harford County Council Bill 22-022 provides a 20% tax credit for a maximum of twenty years, on County property taxes for individuals who are over 65 years of age, have a dwelling (as that term is defined in §9-105 of the Tax Property Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland) that is eligible for a homestead credit with an assessed value of $600,000 or less, and who either:

  • own and have lived in the dwelling for at least 35 years,
  • are a retiree or a surviving spouse of a retiree from one of the United States’ Uniformed Services.

1. Are you at least 65 years of age or older as of June 30, 2024?

  • A copy of the applicants’ Driver’s License or other valid State of Maryland-issued identification is required to provide proof of age. If you do not have a valid Driver’s License or other State-issued identification, please contact 410-638-3450.

2.   Do you own the property and is the assessed value of your property $600,000 or less? Is the property marked as your primary residence and eligible for a homestead credit?

  • Current assessed value information can be obtained by contacting 410-638-3450 or viewed at and typing in your address. Final determination of initial assessment value will be based on the value of the land and buildings as of the upcoming July billing file.

3. Have you:

LIVED at this property for at least 35 years as of June 30, 2024?

  • A copy of the front page of the applicant’s deed is required to provide proof of ownership and occupancy. If you do not have a copy of your Deed, this information is available at the Clerk of the Court – Land Records Office or by calling 410-638-3474.


RETIRED from the U.S. Uniformed Services or are a surviving spouse of a retiree of the U.S. Uniformed Services?

  • A retired member of the Uniformed Services of the United States means that you have retired from active military service from one of the branches of the U.S. Military, i.e. the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, Military Reserves, and National Guard or the Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or Public Health Service. A copy of the retirees’ DD Form 2, Next Generation US ID card, DD214, WD Form 53-55, DD Form 256, NGB Form 22, or NGB Form 22-a is required showing separation of service due to retirement. Only one of the above-mentioned documents is required.

4. Property Number

5.   Property Address

  • Provide the address for the property for which you are applying for this credit.

6. Name

  • Provide the name of the individual/owner eligible for this credit as it appears on your tax bill.

7. Date of Birth

  • Provide the birth date, (MM/DD/YYYY), of the individual/owner eligible for this credit.

8. Daytime Telephone Number

  • Provide the phone number of an individual to contact with any application questions.

9. E-mail address (not required)

  • Provide an e-mail of an individual to contact with any application questions.

10. Mailing Address, if different from above (attach explanation)

  • Provide this information only if the mailing address is different from the property address and please attach an explanation as to why there is a secondary address.

The eligible individual  should print their name and sign the form confirming the information provided on the application.

The application is due by April 1, 2024.

Please mail the following required documentation:

  • Application
  • Copy of Valid Driver's License or other State-issued identification
  • Copy of first page of Deed (35-year qualification) OR Appropriate Military Retiree Documentation (Military Retiree)

*Unmarried Surviving Spouse of a Qualified Retiree of the U.S. Uniformed Services must provide the following documentation:

  • Application
  • Copy of your Valid Driver’s License or other State-issued identification
  • Copy of your spouse’s Military Retiree Documentation
  • Copy of your spouse’s death certificate
  • Copy of marriage certificate

Initial eligibility for credit will be verified when the required documentation is received. Final approval of credit will be completed in June with the receipt and review of the July billing assessment amount.

Return the completed forms to Harford County Treasury, PO Box 609, ATTN: Tax Credit, Bel Air, MD 21014. Forms can also be dropped off at 220 S. Main Street, Bel Air, MD 21014 at the Revenue Collection payment window during regular business hours or in one of the two after-hours drop boxes located outside of the building.

For questions on this credit please contact the Treasury Office at 410-638-3450.

Already approved, then check the Renewal Application below.


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